The History Of Maple Syrup
The native peoples in the northeastern portion of North America are the first people who are believed to have produced the world’s first maple syrup. The maple tree was processed before the arrival of the Europeans for its sugar content and this was stated from many archeological evidences. The Algonquins are a particular race of people, who found that the sap of the maple tree has good source of nutrition and energy. Initially, they used stone tools to make deep V-shaped incisions on the barks of the trees and let a bucket hanged so that the sap is collected directly in it, at the very beginning of the spring season. Then by dropping some hot stones in the buckets, the water in it gets evaporated, through this process the sap was concentrated. Or else they leave the buckets overnight, exposing to cold temperature, then later they separate and dispose the ice layer which was formed on the top of the extracted sap.
Interesting details of Maple Syrup:
A recent research explains that the maple syrup direct contains fifty four beneficial compounds. Most of those compounds have the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in fighting cancer and diabetes. The organic maple syrup is a premium product from the nature to our table. The maple syrup and its products should be stored in a cool dry place but it must be unopened. If the container is opened, again it has to be tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. The demand for the maple syrup grows everywhere, but an important point to look at this point is to consume more organic maple syrup and maple products rather than buying non-certified maple products which are available in the market at an affordable rate when compared to the organic products which are costly. Maple syrup has more nutrition value and also helps in gaining the nutrition balancing in the human body.